Friday, June 18, 2010

The workings of a yard and playground at Bear Lake

We have gone 3 years without much of a yard at our cabin. Only dirt. We weren't sure if we wanted to be mowing grass and watering everytime we were there. But we did know that we were getting tired of the kids having no where to play but in the DIRT! So we are trying to improve that situation. First up; are slides, next swingset and firepit. Even though it was really wet and muddy last weekend; we couldn't keep the kids from trying out the slides.

I think we have the beginning of a winner!


Nancy Mc said...

I love those slides! How fun!

Kelli said...

They are going to be a big hit!! The kids had a great time, despite all the mud. Their shoes washed up great so it was worth the fun.

Austin & Shawnee said...

They look super fun.....when they are finished will adults be able to slide down too? I think I'll definitely want to try them out.