Thursday, August 11, 2011

More of Hawaii

Governor Jenkins? As part of the conference that Scott attended in Honolulu; we went to visit the State Capitol of Hawaii. Here; Scott is standing behind the desk of the Governor. The building was a very open building with the Rotonda having no roof. Symbalic of a volcano.
Walking a beautiful beach in Maui. This is where we also saw lots of kite surfers. Really cool to watch.
Plants are HUGE. and Everything is so green. rains most every day for about 5 min. at a time.
I lucked out on this shot...I guess..One more foot and my ball would have been in the water. But trying to hit it to the green was scarey...6 more inches backward and I would have been in the water! This course was by far one of the prettiest. But at $200 a piece for 18 should have been the best!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hawaii Cruise and Conference

Last week; Scott and I got home from 10 fabulous days spent in Hawaii. We took a cruise and visited all the Islands; golfing on each one. Every morning we started out our day walking or running on the ship for exercise, while the ship was getting ready to land on a different Island each day. ( Travel was each night while we slept)

Our first Island was Maui. So many beautiful plants and flowers. And we were told that we needed to visit in the late fall or even December to get the most of the flowers! Can't imagine seeing more.
Each golf course was so unique! This one was probably the worst of the 5 we golfed on. But beautiful cause it was right on the ocean front.
In Kona; our cab driver took us to see the Temple after he learned we were "one of those practicing mormons". It had such a peaceful feeling to it. We didn't have the time to attend a session though, Had to get back to the ship before it set sail for the Island of Kaui. What a great experience. I guess thanks to the Utah State Senate for getting us there for a conference that Scott attended after our cruise ended.